The tree:
About 20 to 30 meters high, with a straight trunk and foliage of compound leaves, it is a very beautiful tree. Between November and December, it can be seen full of yellow flowers. This tree is native to southern Brazil, Paraguay, and northern Argentina.
The wood obtained is hard and heavy, with a specific gravity of approximately 0.98. Brown to reddish brown, which tends to darken over time. Its wood is very hard and resistant, so it is used for railway sleepers, construction of bridge structures, etc … It resists weathering, humidity and contact with the earth very well, without the need for prior treatment.
Botanical Species: Rigid Parapiptadenia
Characteristics of the log:
– Useful length: 6 to 8 m.
– Average diameter: 0.60m.
Organoleptic characteristics:
– Sapwood color: Yellow, ocher
– Heartwood color: Brown, reddish
– Smell: Absent – Veined: Soft
– Gloss: Soft – Texture: Fine
– Grain: Oblique, interlaced
Physical properties: with 15% humidity
– Specific Weight: 970 kg / m3
– Total Radial Contraction: 5.6%
– Total Tangential Contraction: 10.4%
– Total Volumetric Shrinkage: 16.8%
– T / R contraction ratio: 1.80
– Dimensional Stability: Medium
– Porosity: 35.4%
– Compactness: 64.6%
– Penetrability to liquid impregnation: Little
– Green moisture content: 50%
General technical characteristics:
Hard, heavy, high contractions, little penetrable.
Mechanical properties:
– Flexion – Breakage module: 1191 kg / cm2
– Flexion – Modulus of elasticity: 157.801 kg / cm2
– Compression – Breakage module: 597 kg / cm2
– Compression – Modulus of elasticity: 150,200 kg / cm2
Fuel: Slow
Natural durability:
Fungi: Durable Insects: Resistant
Drying behavior:
He has a regular behavior. It has a tendency to form cracks and cracks during drying, which is avoided with the application of sealants.
Workability conditions:
It presents certain difficulties in sawing and roughing work, requiring the use of sharp sharp elements. It is difficult to nail and screw. Take the glues, varnishes and lusters well, but not the paints.
Common uses in construction:
Thresholds and steps, interior and exterior; structures or racks; parantes or columns in gallery; roof structure; floors for galleries.
Mechanical properties
It has a “Janka Hardness” of 2300-3700 lb.
For hardwood flooring it is called “Pepperwood.”
NOTE: The information on this page is extracted from wikipedia. For details click here.