Guajuvira is distinctive and unique enough to be identified from a distance. It’s definitely not “your neighbor’s floor”! It comes to
Scientific name: Patagonula Americana
Name in Portuguese: Guajuvira
Name in English: Brazilian Hickory
Characteristics of the Wood: Density apparent: the wood is dense guajuvira (0,75 to 0,90 g/cm3) at 15% moisture (Pereira & Mainieri, 1957; Celulosa Argentina, 1973; Chimelo & Mainieri, 1989).
Color: The sapwood is abundant, yellow or ocher. Heartwood dark brown or black-brown, sometimes with pink reflections, usually with abundant black veins, forming beautiful designs.
General characteristics: surface somewhat glossy and smooth to the touch, medium texture and uniform grain, straight to irregular. Smell and taste imperceptible. Looks nice, attractive and demarcated in longitudinal.
Natural Durability: The heartwood is durable when exposed to the elements, being very resistant to decay when in contact with the earth. However, the sapwood of logs left in the forest easily deteriorates.
Preservation: the core of high permeability to preserving solutions, when the wood is subjected to pressure impregnation.
Drying: wood drying moderate to difficult, with marked tendency to check, if the conditions are drastic.
Workability: hardwood, which hinders the processing with hand tools or machinery. Sometimes, there may be creepy fibers after planing (Jankowsky et al., 1990). The wood of this species offers beautiful surface for varnishing, appearing together the qualities of European oak (Quercus sp.) And American walnut (Juglans sp.) (Correa, 1952).
Other features:
NOTE: Content on this page have been extracted from MMC Parket Hard Flooring. For details click here.