
The Guayubira Tree can be found naturally in Northwestern Argentina, Southern Bolivia, Southern Brazil, Paraguay and less and less in northern Uruguay.
Its name is because the Guarani knew one of its most interesting properties, which is to be extremely elastic, so they called it in the Guaraní language: “gua” which means “tree and“ yevi ”which means“ elastic ” .
It was his favorite wood to build bows and arrows, among other typical household items.
Currently it receives different denominations according to the country in which it is found:
• In Argentina it is usually called Lanza Blanca, Lanza Amarilla, Guayuvirá, Guayubirá, Guaiaby, Palo Amarillo, Guayuaibí Saiyú.
• Apé Branco, Guaiuvira or Ipé branco are the best known names in Brazil.
• In Bolivia it is known as Cedro Boliviano or simply Cedro.
• In Paraguay it is mostly called Ypé Morotí or Guajayví.
The Guayubira Tree exhibits a medium size, reaching 10 to 15 meters high and an irregularly leafy crown, with a trunk of medium length, which can measure from 0.50 to 0.80 meters in diameter and its bark is regularly rough Brown brown.
Its elliptical elongated leaves, with serrated edges on their breasts, converge at the end of the branches, which together form a foliage of comfortable and abundant shade.
From July to October, its small scented and whitish flowers grow with great density, offering a beautiful bloom, so it is highly prized as an ornamental tree.
Characteristics of Guayubira Wood
It is a wood that has an apparent specific weight that oscillates between 850 and 910 grs / dm3 depending on the diversity, the geographical area and the specific humidity.
It is heavy, yellowish white, with a markedly pronounced chocolate color, uniform porosity, fine and homogeneous texture, soft shine and straight grain.
It is a wood of great character, for its particular and exotic beauty never goes unnoticed.
It is heavy, very flexible, regularly stable, moderately resistant to mechanical stresses of tension, compression and cutting.
Guayubira Wood is easily impregnated, it allows treatment with lacquers, hydrolacs or varnishes with ease, but does not accept paints.
It is moderately penetrable and resistant to insects.
Given its hardness, it offers some difficulties for sawing and other mechanical operations, being more difficult to nail and screw.
With appropriate tools, you can brush, achieving smooth finishing surfaces and with a good finish.
According to the INTI of the Argentine Republic (National Institute of Industrial Technology):
“It is a wood whose natural durability outside without contact with the ground is estimated to be greater than 20 years”
Uses of Guayubira Wood
Due to the particular type of dimensional stability and great flexibility that it presents, it is widely used in sporting goods such as rackets, baseball bats and paddles.
Also in the manufacture of tool ends and handles, pool cues and tables, canes, curved or turned elements and accessories for furniture and fixtures.
It is very common to use Guayubira Wood for the construction of barrels and wheels, and it is highly appreciated by the luthiers in the manufacture of musical instruments.
It is commonly used in the production of sheets for veneer, multilaminate roofs, ceilings, braces, beams, stairs, domestic furniture and interior or exterior vertical cladding.
In naval carpentry it is used to build, boats, oars, keels and rudders.
In agricultural applications it is used to build sleeves, gates, bretes and pens.
And nowadays, its marked character is imposed in the interior decoration, being used more and more in the construction of unfinished, prefinished, enclosed, planked solid floors, interior furniture, vertical coverings, screens and also to build decks, furniture, coatings for exterior and especially in the installation of pergolas and gazebos.
Name: Brazilian Hickory, Guajuvira ( Patagonula Americana )
Other names: Guajuvira, Brazilian Pecan, Macchiato Pecan
Janka Hardness: 1,810 pounds
Strength (MOR): 26,500 psi
Stiffness (MOE):2,550 1000 psi
Density (KG/m3): 790.
Radial Shrinkage: 2.8 %
Tree Characteristics: The Cumaru tree can reach 160 feet in height.
Color: Dark and light coloration.
Grain: Its grain is a mix of irregular patterns and straight grain.
Luster: satin smooth luster..
Durability Rating:Rated as very durable, resistant to fungi, and has exemplary weathering characteristics.
Working Characteristics: Rated as difficult to saw or bore.
Applications: Cogs, flooring, decking, turnery, bearings, tool handles, heavy construction.