Jarrah Beams







49 in stock


*You are buying Jarrah Beams 100/70 100/80 ranging from 2000/4000 plus

B Grade sold per LM and in full lengths

larger sizes available soon

$3000 per cube

For details google AxeBreaker.com to contact us.


=> Grade A = In excellent/near new condition – no nails

=> Grade B = In good condition with some defects has some nails

=> Grade C = In useable condition. It May have a few cracks, shakes, nails, and bora as marked

*SHIPPING: This is an indicative price. From ChCh Depot to the following Depots and is for 1cube (Basics)

Nelson $115+ Blenheim $95+ Dunedin $95+ Cromwell $120+ Invercargill $120+

Auckland $160+ =1 cube is 200 metres of 100 by 50 timber

*If you are not 100% satisfied with the product we will replace the product. Just return it to our warehouse.

NOTE: If you are not sure about our grading criteria, please send us a message and we will get back to you as necessary.

=> Our products are selected with extreme care, durability, and love for the environment. We don’t only sell what we have in stock but will hunt for the product you are in desperate need of. We are small enough to look after our clients on an individual basis, but we are big enough to fulfil your mega-building demands.

=> Axe Breaker Hardwood and Salvage New Zealand, is the symbol of recycling, up-cycling, sustainable timber harvesting, and advocates for chemical-free timber in New Zealand. We proudly feed the needs of the building industry in New Zealand.

#Hardwood #Salvage #Recycling #Up-Cycling #SustainableTimber #ChemicalFreeTimber #BuildingSupplies #DurableTimber #Decking #Flooring #Roofing #VintageWindows #VintageDoors #ArchitectureDoors #Fencing #Moulding #Doors #WeatherBoard #RecycleBricks #Vintage Fencing